Conventions Card

Players should fulfill conventions card and in that way show their preferable way of bidding and playing bridge. Fulfilling of conventions card is mandatory, otherwise playing a bridge is impossible. Some of the supported bidding systems are SAYC, ACOL, French 5-card major, Polish Club, Nordic, NBB, etc.

Favorite & Block Lists

As in real life, it’s the same in Bridge, there is someone who we like to be a partner with us and someone who we do not. Ultimate Bridge introduced favorite and block lists to provide the way that player can manage who will play with.

Chat & Messages

In the first place, Bridge is a social game. Communication between players is essential. Players can chat in games over room’s chats or can send private messages to each other via game messager. English is the official language of the game. 

Scoring & Ranking

Ultimate Bridge uses well-known bridge scoring systems. For 4-hands games, the player has the option to chose between Total Points (TP), Match Points (MP) and International Match Points (IMP) scoring. Tournaments are scored using either MP or IMP. There are four different ranking lists daily points, weekly points, monthly points, and rating points. All ranking lists are related to players’ achievements in tournaments.


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